Here’s a collection of Facebook tips and tricks that we’ve discovered after running a number of campaigns in 2019.
1) The majority of placements have terrible returns!
The News Feed (specifically mobile) is by far the best performer for our clients.
2) Your audience & targeting is everything!
It doesn’t matter how good your product or website is if your targeting is off you won’t attract any clicks, so invest a lot of time into building different audiences first
3) Ads with likes and comments perform much better!
A simple trick is to run your ad with the Engagement objective for a week before swapping it to your final stage objective (Conversion, Sale or Lead).
4) Create Buyer Personas!
Define audiences with buyer personas by identifying what traits your customers share
5) Test at least 4 Ads in an Adset (unless your budget is limited).
Ideally, test out 4 different versions of ads, we’ve found Adspresso’s 2 different images + 2 different copy tactic works well.
6) Use short headlines!
Facebook’s own studies recommend that the highest engaging ad headlines are between 25-40 characters in length.
7) Watch out for Relevance & Frequency!
Make sure you check your Relevance & Frequency scores often! Most people ignore these completely, but a highly relevant ad (using defined audiences) will result in much cheaper clicks! You can “cheese” the Frequency scores by just changing ad images too, this will counter Ad fatigue.
8) Use a CTA!
Include a Call To Action – sounds obvious, but many ads don’t actually mention what they want you to do
9) Use bright borders around your image!
Adding a bright border around your ad images may increase your click-through rate – sounds silly but this does work!
10) Utilize Testimonials!
If you’re struggling for Ad text, try using a short but powerful customer testimonial.
11) Reduce waste by breakdowns!
To reduce wasted spend, click on Breakdown and segment your ad reports by Placement and remove any that aren’t performing, you can also do this for Device and Time of Day.
12) People buy people!
Use people’s faces in your ad images, they outperform animations and illustrations in most cases.
13) Include Your URL!
Include your URL in the Ad text just above the image/video to increase CTR.
14) Spend at least R100 per Ad!
You should be spending at least R100 per day per Ad to give it a proper chance to perform.
Best practices for headlines: Include Numbers, use positive words, emphasize benefits, show value
Best practices for Ad text: Be very specific about exactly what you’re offering and include testimonials or go the other route and tell a story, people enjoy personal stories.
Best practices for Link Description: Explain your features and benefits of your product or service. Use FOMO to create urgency.
Adding a bright border around your ad images may increase your click-through rate – sounds silly but this does work!
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